how to train a stubborn dog

Training a pet is no mean feat, more so if you happen to own a stubborn dog. But do not worry. That’s why you’re here. After reading this, you’ll be equipped with strategies on how to train a stubborn dog effectively.

how to train a stubborn dog

Understand Your Dog

Before you ask “how to train a stubborn dog”, it’s important to understand that what we often label as stubbornness may be a sign of an underlying issue. It could be fear, discomfort, or a lack of understanding. Once you comprehend your dog’s behavior, training becomes a lot easier.

Patience and Consistency

Training a stubborn dog can test your patience. Expecting instant results will only lead to frustration. Instead, be patient and consistent with your training.

Positive Reinforcement

This is a key aspect when you’re figuring out how to train a stubborn dog. Reward their good behavior with treats, praises, or petting. This helps them associate the action with a positive outcome.

Professional Assistance

Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if needed. Dog trainers have expertise in handling different behaviors and could provide insights that you might miss.

how to train a stubborn dog

Additional Tips

  • Try using hand signals along with verbal commands, it’s like having your own secret language with your pup!
  • Make sure to use positive and encouraging body language during training sessions, show them you’re their biggest cheerleader!
  • Don’t forget to reward not just the end goal, but also those small steps towards it. Celebrate every little victory!
  • Use a calm and assertive tone when giving commands to your furry friend, it’s all about being the pack leader.
  • Always train in a distraction-free environment to help your dog stay focused, think of it as their special Zen zone.
  • Take breaks during training sessions, both you and your pup need some time to catch your breath and recharge.
  • And hey, don’t forget to give your furry buddy plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, keeping them calm and focused during training is easier when they’re tired and content.
  • Consistency is key, my friend! Stick to a regular schedule for training sessions and be consistent with the rules and expectations you set.
  • Always end a training session on a positive note, even if there were some challenges along the way. Keep it fun and positive, because training should be a joy for both of you.
  • Lastly, remember to always show love, understanding, and patience towards your stubborn but lovable pooch. They may test your limits, but with consistent training and affection, they’ll become the well-behaved and happy companion you’ve always dreamed of.

Why not Check out some rewards you can give to your Dog? Click here or find some treats?

Keep Learning

Learning about different training techniques and methods can greatly benefit you and your dog. Don’t be afraid to research, ask for advice, and continue learning as a pet owner. Every dog is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. So keep an open mind and adapt your training approach to fit your dog’s individual needs.

Also Check: 5 Best Dog Crates For High Anxiety Dogs


When it comes to how to train a stubborn dog, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Techniques that work for one might not work for another. Remember, patience, consistency, positive reinforcement, and professional help are your best tools.


What should I do if my dog is not responding to training?

Try to understand the reason for their behavior. If they still don’t respond, consider seeking help from a professional dog trainer.

How long does it take to train a stubborn dog?

Patience is key. Each dog is different, and the time it takes to train them can vary widely. Don’t rush, and take it one step at a time.

My dog seems scared during training, what should I do?

It’s crucial to create a safe and comfortable environment for your dog during training. If your dog seems scared, take a break and try to identify any potential triggers. If the fear persists, consult a professional dog trainer or a vet to determine the cause and best course of action.

What are some good rewards for positive reinforcement?

Treats are a common reward, but different dogs may respond to different types of positive reinforcement. Some dogs may prefer toys, while others may appreciate praise or petting. Find out what your dog enjoys the most and use that as a reward.

Do all dogs need professional training?

Not all dogs need professional training. Many pet owners successfully train their dogs at home by themselves. However, professional help can be beneficial if you’re struggling or if your dog exhibits challenging behaviors.

Can older dogs be trained?

Absolutely! While training might be easier with younger dogs, older dogs can still learn new things. The process may take a bit longer, but with patience and consistency, you can train a dog at any age.

How should I handle training if I have multiple dogs?

Training multiple dogs can be challenging. It’s often helpful to train them individually at first to reduce distractions. Once they have understood the commands individually, you can begin training them together.

Remember, figuring out how to train a stubborn dog can be a process, but with patience and consistency, you and your pet will be on the same page in no time.

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